Saturday, 26 October 2013

The seeds of goodness

Wrote a short status on fb in last july

"What kind of power keeps pushing you forward? For me, LOVE. The most ingenuous and pristine love of many people embraces and pushes me forward. To instil love into children's mind, to spread the seeds of goodness... I will proceed to this path one day"

People asked, why is it 'building homes for homeless children' so important to me? Most of the time, I couldn't  answer this question directly. As for any answer given, it would be a ravage to my pure intention.

It was started from a little story book I read when I was young, called 'I did it', a book published by Tzu Chi. Since then, I fell in love with books, especially Tzu Chi's publication. I think I would rather read the kind of books that wound or stab me. If the book I am reading doesn't wake me up, then what am I reading for?

Now, after five years of architecture life, I just realised, I have been fading away from my initial thought, the reason why I'm here..I forgot all the goodness and attributes that Tzu Chi has taught me, the importance of selfless contribution to this society. Not everyone in this world has a 'house', not every houses can be considered as 'homes'. It hurts, when seeing children suffer from lacking of food, home and LOVE. In this world, there are always people who are more unfortunate than ourselves, and those who are able to give their service are most blessed than those who are served.

I care, I love. For no reason.

After a deep thinking about life, I realise in the very end, not a single thing accompanies us forever. 

So, forgive those who harm unintentionally, don't be someone who is easily hurt by others.

Share with u the latest Tzu Chi's issue of the year

and one of the still thoughts that inspired me a lot

Wherever we go, there is always a starting point and a goal. We should pursue our goals from the very beginning till the very end, never stopping halfway along the journey. It is more tiring, and even dangerous, to struggle in place in the middle of the road than it is to progress toward reaching the final goal. Mountain climbing is a fitting example. You must either stand at the bottom of the mountain or climb continuously to the very top. By stopping halfway up the mountain, you put yourserlf in danger of being hit by falling rocks.

Sunday, 13 October 2013

钱 是毒药

人们总是看不见 以往的情和义
可以很冷血   很无情  可以随意践踏别人

那些不好听的话   现在回想起来都觉得很难过
虽然内容与我无关   听者其实不好受  当事人听了会更难过

我的世界很小  装不下吐槽 烦恼  更承载不了仇恨

我没有很多钱  但是对我来说  钱是身外物
只要身边的人开心  花一点钱不算什么  总有一天会赚回来

但是  友谊一旦有裂痕 也许一辈子都没有办法痊愈

其实   每个人心中都有属于自己的一个天枰
用属于自己的标准   去衡量事情
所以  怎样的平分才算‘公平’?

计较得失  有多累?

突然  很欣赏一个人   打从心底的欣赏

如果你锁上了心中的那扇门  态度强硬
想要跟你对话的人  也会不自觉的举起刀枪

又有谁  可以心平气和的谈

我崇拜的 是这样高尚的品格

对人性 又有更深一层的体会